Anastasios Kyritsis
Field: | Electricity production from solar PV and wind power |
Rank: | Associate Professor |
Email: | |
Undergraduate Courses: Renewable Energy Sources Ι, Renewable Energy Sources ΙΙ, Electric Power Production-Transmission-Distribution, Physics Ι, Scientific Software.
Scientific Interests:
- Renewable Energy Sources applications
- Power electronics applications at renewable energy sources exploitation, electromobility and electrification of transportations, energy saving and power quality improvement
- micro-grids and smart-grids
- nZEB buildings
Dr. Anastasios (Tasos) Kyritsis received the Diploma of Electrical and Computer Engineering and the PhD degree in Electrical Engineering from University of Patras, Greece in 2003 and 2009 respectively. He specialized in the field of Electric Power Systems and carried out a Doctoral Thesis on the analysis and design of power electronic converters for the interconnection of PV systems to the low voltage electrical network.
In August 2020 he joined the Department of Environment of Ionian University as an Assistant Professor in the field of electricity production from solar PV and wind power. Dr. Kyritsis is member of the Environmental Physics, Energy and Environmental Biology Lab of the Department of Environment. He has taught or is currently teaching courses on renewable energy sources, power production-transmission-distribution, electrical installations, physics, scientific software, and hydrology. Dr. Kyritsis has published 48 scientific and technical papers, cited by more than 1000 times in the international scientific bibliography (h-index 12). He is co-author of two chapter books and he holds one patent for active anti-islanding detection in impedance source inverters.
From December 2007 to August 2020, he worked as senior researcher for the Greek Centre for Renewable Energy Sources and Saving, in the Department of PVs and Distributed Generation, participating in the writing, management and implementation of dozens of research projects funded by National and European resources. An indicative selection of projects is listed below: “EU-DEEP”, “More Microgrids”, “ERA-NET SmartGrids”, “DERlab”, DERri”, “HiPe-PV”, “Install+RES”, “BFIRST”, “Smart Build”, “ECOMARINE”, “ELECTRA IRP”, “EU HEROES”, “ERIGRID” and “GIFT”. The objectives of the projects were: i) development of smart power electronic converters for the interconnection of RES units to the electrical networks, ii) smart grids and micro-grids, iii) electrification of onshore, air and marine transportations for fuel savings and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, iv) smart nZEB and ZEB buildings, v) evaluation, testing and characterization of innovative RES products, vi) energy communities and development of new business models for the electricity market, vii) training of professionals in the field of RES.
Dr. Kyritsis is member of the Technical Chamber of Greece and member of the special scientific committee on “Electromechanical Energy Conversion and Power Electronics” of Technical Chamber of Greece from 2005 to 2010. He is a reviewer on several scientific journals and conferences as well as an evaluator of research projects.
Selected Publications:
Kotarela, A. Kyritsis, N. Papanikolaou, S.A. Kalogirou, “Enhanced nZEB concept incorporating a sustainable Grid Support Scheme”, Renewable Energy, Elsevier, May 2021,
Boubaris A, Kyritsis A, Babouras K, et al. Study on the effectiveness of commercial anti‐islanding algorithms in the prospect of mass penetration of PVs in low‐voltage distribution networks. IET Energy Systems Integration, February 2021,
Damianaki K, Christodoulou CA, Kokalis C-CA, Kyritsis A, Ellinas ED, Vita V, Gonos IF. “Lightning Protection of Photovoltaic Systems: Computation of the Developed Potentials”, Applied Sciences, 2021,
Kotarela, A. Kyritsis, N. Papanikolaou, “On the Implementation of the Nearly Zero Energy Building Concept for Jointly Acting Renewables Self-Consumers in Mediterranean Climate Conditions”, Energies MDPI, February 2020,
Baros, D. Voglitsis, N. P. Papanikolaou, A. Kyritsis and N. Rigogiannis, "Wireless Power Transfer for Distributed Energy Sources Exploitation in DC Microgrids," IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, October 2019, doi: 10.1109/TSTE.2018.2877902.
Valsamas, D. Voglitsis, N. Rigogiannis, N. Papanikolaou and A. Kyritsis, "Comparative study of active anti-islanding schemes compatible with MICs in the prospect of high penetration levels and weak grid conditions," IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, September 2018,
Voglitsis, N. P. Papanikolaou and A. C. Kyritsis, "Active Cross-Correlation Anti-Islanding Scheme for PV Module-Integrated Converters in the Prospect of High Penetration Levels and Weak Grid Conditions," IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, March 2019, doi: 10.1109/TPEL.2018.2836663.
Α. Kyritsis, E. Roman Medina, S.A. Kalogirou, J. Nikoletatos, R. Agathokleous, E. Mathas, S. Tselepis, “Households with Fibre Reinforced Composite BIPV modules in Southern Europe under Net Metering Scheme”, Renewable Energy, Elsevier, September 2017,
Kyritsis, D. Voglitsis, N. Papanikolaou, S. Tselepis, C. Christodoulou, I. Gonos, S.A. Kalogirou, “Evolution of PV systems in Greece and review of applicable solutions for higher penetration levels, Renewable Energy, Elsevier, August 2017,
Voglitsis, N. Papanikolaou and A. C. Kyritsis, "Incorporation of Harmonic Injection in an Interleaved Flyback Inverter for the Implementation of an Active Anti-Islanding Technique," IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, November 2017, doi: 10.1109/TPEL.2016.2646419.
Kyritsis, E. Mathas, D. Antonucci, Μ. Grottke, S. Tselepis: “Energy improvement of office buildings in Southern Europe, Energy and Buildings”, Energy and Buildings, Elsevier, July 2016,
Christidis, A. C. Kyritsis, N. P. Papanikolaou and E. C. Tatakis, "Investigation of Parallel Active Filters’ Limitations for Power Decoupling on Single-Stage/Single-Phase Microinverters," IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, September 2016, doi: 10.1109/JESTPE.2016.2552980.
Papanikolaou, A. Kyritsis, M. Loupis, C. Tzotzos and E. Zoga, "Design Considerations for Single-Phase Line Frequency Transformers Applied at Photovoltaic Systems," IEEE Power and Energy Technology Systems Journal, September 2015, doi: 10.1109/JPETS.2015.2433391.
C. Kyritsis, E. C. Tatakis and N. P. Papanikolaou, "Optimum Design of the Current-Source Flyback Inverter for Decentralized Grid-Connected Photovoltaic Systems," IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, March 2008, doi: 10.1109/TEC.2007.895854.
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