History of Technology
Teaching Staff: To be announced
Course Code: ΤΠ-80062
Course Type: Elective
Course Level: Undergraduate
Course Language: Greek
Semester: 8th
Teaching Units: 3
Teaching Hours: 3
Short Description:
- The Newtonian "Enlightenment" and the separation of Chemistry from alchemy.
- The transition to the Industrial Revolution. The discovery and use of the locomotive as a tool in all social aspects and professional practices.
- The discovery of electromagnetism as a technological achievement.
- From the first to the second industrial revolution. Direct and alternating current, Electromagnetic Radiation, the discovery of photovoltaics.
- The quantum theory revolution as a precursor to a new technological paradigm.
- The dawn of Nuclear Technology. Historiographical Approach.
- The post-war changes in the field of electronics industry, computer systems, and the early 21st century research into quantum computers and gene therapy.
- The need of using Renewable Energy Sources (Solar, Wind, Wave) and the "race" for controlled nuclear fusion.