Summer Schools
Summer School 2019: Excavation Techniques, First Aids & Preventive Conservation - Registration extension: 31/05/2019
Posted: 01-03-2019 12:24 | Updated: 08-05-2019 12:58 | Views: 8508
Start: 08-07-2019 |End: 12-07-2019
The Department of the Environment and the Department of Archives, Library Science and Museology of the Ionian University organise for the first time a Summer School on “Excavation Techniques, First Aid and Preventive Conservation” of excavated material which is to be held at the excavation of the archaeological site of the Amyklaion near Sparta between 8-12 July 2019. More info:
Ionian University organizes a Summer School on Environmental Informatics [8-12/7/19]
Posted: 10-12-2018 19:47 | Views: 7254
Start: 08-07-2019 |End: 12-07-2019
The Department of Informatics and the Department of Environment of the Ionian University are organizing an inaugural Summer School on Environmental Informatics in Zakynthos, Greece, between 8-12 July 2019. More info: