Student News
Gym of the Ionian University: Panhellenic Interuniversity Chess Championships 2024
Posted: 09-12-2024 17:19 | Views: 2042
Start: 09-12-2024 |End: 16-12-2024
The Panteion University, the Municipality of Kallithea, the Kallithea Chess Club and the Korydallos Chess Club, announce the Panhellenic Inter-University Chess Championships 2024. Specifically, two events will be held, the Individual Inter-University Chess Championships 2024 and the Team Inter-University "Planted" Chess Championships 2024, on 19 December 2024 in Athens.
Gym of the Ionian University: 1st University Sports Championship
Posted: 22-11-2024 17:30 | Updated: 22-11-2024 17:38 | Views: 2895
Start: 22-11-2024 |End: 06-12-2024
The University Gym, organizes the 1st University Sports Championship for all departments of the Ionian University, in the context of getting acquainted with some of the sports that exist in the University Gymnasium and invites all students to take part.
Erasmus students exchange program - Liege University
Posted: 05-10-2022 16:28 | Views: 968
Important Date: 15-11-2022
The University of Liège is looking forward to hosting your students inthe frame of our exchange program for 2022-2023!You will find attached our updated Information Sheet for 2022-2023.If your students plan to study at ULiège they must read the followinginformation carefully before starting the online registration.Application deadline for a study period during the 2nd semester(February-June): 15th (...)
Call for 10 AII (Adriatic-Ionian Initiative) scholarships for international students Academic Year 2022/2023
Posted: 14-06-2022 09:12 | Views: 1635
Università Politecnica delle Marche (UNIVPM) offers 10 (ten) two-year scholarships (academic years 2022/2023 and 2023/2024), funded by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, to students coming from the EUSAIR-countries (European Strategy forthe Adriatic-Ionian Region), as defined in art. 3 below - Italy and Republic of San Marino excluded. The selected candidates (...)