
IUT of Lille Application information for the Autumn semester 2024 - 2025

Δημοσίευση: 31-01-2024 17:44 | Προβολές: 306
Έναρξη: 31-01-2024 |Λήξη: 01-05-2024

Dear partner,

Your students are kindly invited to study at the IUT of Lille (Institut Universitaire de Technologie) under Erasmus+ programme during the Autumn Semester of the academic year 2024-2025. In order to facilitate their registration and to prepare their stay at the best we would like to draw your attention to our on line application procedure for the Incoming Erasmus students. Please advise your students to read the application information carefully and send us all the required documents on time. You will find attached our updated contact details. APPLICATION PROCEDURE Application deadline: 1st May 2024 Semester dates: 1st September 2024 - 20th January 2025 BEFORE ARRIVAL 1. E-Nomination: students must be nominated by their home institution. Please send the names and email addresses of your nominated students to iut-a-ri@univ-lille.fr. 2. We shall confirm the reception of your message. 3. Student application: students must complete the online application form on our MoveOn tool.


They have to select Institut Universitaire de Technologie - Site de Villeneuve d'Ascq as a Faculty in the Mobility Details. At the end they should both submit and send us by email the complete PDF file of their application including the following documents: 

* Learning agreement or Online Learning Agreement. These are our contact details for the OLA:

Responsible person: Rodrigue MalaquinContact person: Valérie BuquetService Relations InternationalesIUT de LILLE - Université de Lille
phone: +33359632107email: iut-a-ri@univ-lille.frPlease note that all lectures are in French except for the Business department which offers courses in English (see attached file). For all the other departments you may refer to our website only for a brief description of the programs, but we shall send you the list of modules taught in French upon request. As a rule, students are asked to make a provisional choice of courses and the final changes will be made with their academic coordinator upon arrival. * Transcript of Records * CV or resume including the students'€™ personal data. * Covering letter * 1 digital photo * copy of identity card or passport : Students wishing to carry out a project or final thesis should let us know about their interests in order to find them a supervisor. UPON ARRIVAL 1. Required documents : * 2 passport photos * European Health Insurance Card or another insurance policy for Non-EU students 2. A French intensive course for beginner, intermediary and/or advanced levels will take place on the first week after the arrival of all the Erasmus students. It will be followed by an extensive course 2 hours a week over the whole semester. The final exam is worth 3 ECTS. 3. Accommodation : students may rent a room in one of the student dormitories on campus providing they apply for Accommodation within MoveOn. So if you wish to be assigned a student room, do not forget to register on MOVEON before the deadline : 1st of May 2024. It is very important to know that rooms are provided on a first come first served basis.For planning their stay the students may visit the link: https://ulillgo.univ-lille.fr/#/As soon as we receive your students' complete files, we shall contact them for further details about accommodation, studying programs and campus life. Do not hesitate to contact us for any other queries. Looking forward to our lasting cooperation! Best regards.



Roxana RUSURelations Internationales / International Office - bureau 1A32IUT de LILLE - Université de Lilleroxana.rusu@univ-lille.fr | https://iut.univ-lille.fr Avenue Paul Langevin - Cité Scientifique - BP 9017959653 Villeneuve d'Ascq CEDEXTél. +33 (0)3 59 63 21 07

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