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Call for Admission of Postgraduate Students

The Department of Environment of the Faculty of Environmental Sciences, and the Department of Audio and Visual Arts of the Faculty of Music and Audiovisual Arts call for postgraduate student admissions for the Postgraduate Program under the title “New Technologies in Environmental Education and Sustainable Development,” which is organized and offered according to no. 18/29-05-2020 decision of the Ionian University Senate (Gazette 3610/29.08.2020, issue B.)

The Joint Postgraduate Studies Program (J.P.S.P.) awards a Postgraduate Degree (MSc) under the title “New Technologies in Environmental Education and Sustainable Development.” The program is full-time, but part-time attendance is also an option for enrolled students.

The maximum number of students admitted to the MSc Program is set at thirty (30) for the academic year 2024-2025.


The Joint Postgraduate Studies Program (J.P.S.P.) aims to promote the practical applications of contemporary technologies in Environmental Education and Sustainable Development. Particular emphasis is placed on the use of Creative Technologies for the implementation of educational content(s) through audio-visual media, but also on a more complex level, emphasis lies on the possibilities of creative expression for environmental issues through the digital arts.

The main objective of the J.P.S.P. is to provide specialization in an interdisciplinary area of study resulting from the intersection(s) of the scientific fields of the Environment, Education, New and Creative Audiovisual Technologies, but also the Digital Arts, while an additional objective is the applied use of specialized knowledge, and the development of formal and creative skills for the application of educational programs that enhance the dissemination of knowledge about sustainable development and the sustainable use of natural resources.


The Joint Postgraduate Studies Program (J.P.S.P.) is structured in three semesters: the first two semesters require the attendance of compulsory and elective courses, and the third semester is for preparing the diploma thesis. Course attendance combines the theoretical induction/instruction of attendees into concepts and guided research/artistic work in the form of individual or group assignments. During the third semester, enrolled students conduct individual research into their supervised research projects. The third semester concludes with the writing and defense of the MSc thesis (optionally to be written in English).

Courses per semester (six months) combine teaching sessions (lectures, seminars, workshops) and the submission of a research paper (individually written). The research paper corresponds to at least 50% of the work load per corresponding course. The language of instruction is Greek, with select sessions offered in English (e.g. in the event of invited instructors/speakers from abroad). Course attendance is carried out 100% remotely. An advanced e-learning platform is available for the delivery of sessions (synchronous online instruction). As regards research, this is the students’ responsibility, carried out under the constant supervision of the instructors, who monitor (in-person or remotely) the progress of students’ research either per group or for individual assignments.

Types of course assessment (written/oral assignments) are announced at the beginning of each semester.


Accepted applicants for the J.P.S.P. “New Technologies in Environmental Education and Sustainable Development,” are BSc/BA holders from the branches of Formal/Exact Sciences, the Humanities and Social Sciences awarded from Greek or overseas Institutions of Higher Education, teachers in primary and secondary education of all subject specializations, as well as holders of a BSc/BA (Undergraduate Studies Programs) in the following subject areas:

  • Environmental Sciences (e.g. graduates from the Departments of Environment, Geotechnics),
  • Exact Sciences (e.g. graduates from the Departments of Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Informatics and/or Polytechnic Schools),
  • Cultural Environment (e.g. graduates from the Departments of Audio and Visual Arts, Audiovisual Arts, Management of Cultural Environment and New Technologies, Cultural Technology and Communication),
  • Environmental Communication (e.g. graduates from the Departments of Mass Media, Digital Media, Communication),
  • Sustainable Development (e.g. graduates from the Departments of Economic and Regional Development, Economics, Tourism Studies)

Eligible applicants include Senior Year Undergraduate Students in the above subject areas. If accepted in the program, they register upon completion of their Undergraduate Studies Programs and before the start date of the J.P.S.P. “New Technologies in Environmental Education and Sustainable Development.”

Applicants are invited to submit necessary documents online at from 17/6/2024 and no later than 20/09/2024 at 14:00. Applications will be evaluated at regular intervals until the deadline expires and given the availability of positions. The supporting documents required are:

  1. Application for candidacy through the website
  2. Single-page photocopy of both sides of the candidate’s ID card or Passport
  3. Two recent photographs, on the back of which the candidate’s full name should be clearly written in upper cases
  4. Copies of BA/BSc with a certificate of place of study only in the case of degrees awarded from overseas institutions of higher education which organize programs of study through a franchise agreement with private entities in Greece and are included in the relevant list of D.O.A.T.A.P. (Hellenic National Academic Recognition and Information Center-Hellenic NARIC: Recognition of academic equivalence is not required for degrees obtained from institutions abroad as long as they are included in the National Register of Recognized Higher Education Institutions (
  5. Senior BA/BSc students should submit a certified copy of complete records (Transcript) for the entire course of their study at their respective Universities and a certificate of completion of their studies by the start date of the program
  6. A language certificate in English at the level of at least B2, recognized in accordance with the applicable legislation
  7. Detailed CV
  8. Statement of Purpose elaborating on the candidate’s interest in attending the J.P.S.P. “New Technologies in Environmental Education and Sustainable Development” (and the specific scientific expertise it provides)
  9. At least two recommendation letters
  10. Additional information at the candidate’s discretion, regarding work experience, portfolio of artistic works, scientific publications and conference announcements, evidence in the development of relevant technological applications, etc.

When the candidacy is approved, the supporting documents are sent to the following address:

J.P.S.P. Secretariat “New Technologies for Environmental Education and Sustainable Development”

Department of Environment - Ionian University

Minotou Giannopoulou 26, Panagoula

29100 Zakynthos

with the indication “Candidacy for the J.P.S.P. “New Technologies for Environmental Education and Sustainable Development”—Graduate Studies Secretariat”

Evaluation process

Applications will be examined at regular intervals until the deadline expires and given that there is availability in positions. Applicants may be invited to an interview. The interview with the candidates for the J.P.S.P. “New Technologies for Environmental Education and Sustainable Development” (if required) will be held remotely/online in September. The performance in the interview will be taken into account for the final evaluation of the candidates and in accordance with the regulations and admission criteria of the J.P.S.P. ( The names of the successful applicants will be announced on both websites of the two Departments, as well as on the J.P.S.P website, while the successful applicants will also be informed/contacted in person (via email or on the phone).Tuition Fees/Academic Excellence grantsFor the participation in the J.P.S.P., postgraduate students pay tuition fees that amount to €2,600.00. Tuition fees are deposited in a single (one) payment upon completion of the students’ enrollment in the program, or distributed as follows:a.     The amount of €500.00 is due upon registration at the J.P.S.P.b.     The amount of €400.00 is due no later than one week before the start of the examination period for the 1st semester of the program.c.     The amount of €400.00 is due no later than two weeks after the start of the 2nd semester of the program.d.     The amount of €500.00 is due no later than one week before the start of the examination period for the 2nd semester of the program.e.     The amount of €800 is paid within two weeks of the start of the 3rd semester of the program. Please note that, in case of interruption or withdrawal from studies at any stage in the course of the program, the part of the fees which has already been paid cannot be refunded.Postgraduate students have the right to apply for tuition fees exemption, if they meet the requirements stated at the Article 86—Law 4957/2022. The exempt students will not exceed thirty percent (30%) of the total number of students enrolled in the program. Additionally, under certain conditions, a tuition fees exemption is granted for the final semester (i.e. a total of 800,00 euros). The tuition fees exemption will be awarded to the postgraduate student who has achieved the highest performance among the students enrolled in the given academic year, provided that he/she has successfully completed the attendance of all the courses in the first two semesters of the program. Grantees will be invited to provide laboratory, tutorial or other assistantship tasks at the Departments of Environment and/or Audio and Visual Arts, Ionian University.Additional InformationFor any additional information, please consult the website of the Department of Environment, Ionian University ( ) or contact the Secretariat of the J.P.S.P “New Technologies for Environmental Education and Sustainable Development,” Department of Environment, Ionian University (phone: 2695021051, e-mail: 

The Director of the J.P.S.P “New Technologies for Environmental Education and Sustainable Development”Professor Aikaterini Kabassi

Updated: 23-01-2025
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